FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, December 6, 1995


Heidi Prescott, (301) 585-2591

On Monday evening, the nation was shocked as the television program Hard Copy aired video footage of Pennsylvania's live pigeon shooting contests -- including the world's largest and most notorious pigeon shoot held each Labor Day in the small town of Hegins -- and similar live turkey shoots in Pennsylvania during which the domestic turkeys are tied down in rubber tires.

According to Hard Copy's Tuesday evening report, "Last night we brought you the disturbing story of pigeons and turkeys that are tied down and used as target practice while still alive. We asked viewers, should this sport be banned? We received thousands of calls, and the landslide vote of 99 percent went in favor of stopping this form of animal abuse."

"This week, the nation looked at Pennsylvania and saw the most repugnant form of so-called hunting in existence," says Heidi Prescott, National Director of The Fund for Animals. "Governor Ridge should be embarrassed that his state is seen as the cruelty capitol of the world."

At the end of the Hard Copy survey results, the show urged viewers to protest live pigeon shooting contests by calling Governor Ridge's office. In a form letter to constituents, Governor Ridge has written, "I have no imminent plans to encourage or support any proposed legislation on this issue. The Hegins pigeon shoot is a local concern. At this point in time, there is no compelling state interest to intervene." The Fund for Animals points out, however, that Hegins is not the only pigeon shoot in Pennsylvania. These events take place at over a dozen Pennsylvania gun clubs nearly every weekend throughout the year.

"The cold-hearted pigeon killers and shoot organizers should wake up and join the twentieth century," adds Prescott. "Maybe they will recognize the shame they are bringing to their state, and maybe the Governor and Legislature will consider public outrage a compelling state interest."

Hard Copy is the tip of the iceberg in exposing Pennsylvania's live pigeon shoots to the nation. This summer, The Fund for Animals launched a nationwide advertising campaign with advertisements in The New York Times, Long Island Newsday, and other national newspapers urging readers to boycott Pennsylvania until pigeon shoots are ended. People, U.S. News & World Report, and The Washington Post have all reported on the Hegins Labor Day pigeon shoot, and Jay Leno has made jokes about Hegins on The Tonight Show.

The Fund for

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